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Day 6 - I wake
up a couple of hours later to learn that they’ve called
a doctor to come check out Colleen and Danny.
Stomach troubles have really taken their toll
on Colleen. The
EMT says that neither of them is severely dehydrated,
but they aren’t actually in good shape either.
He fills them up with Immodium and says he wants
them to rest until 12 noon.
What?!? No way! We all protest the decision,
despite the opportunity to rest.
That’s way too long!
"OK, I’ll be back between 7:30 and 8:00
to check her out and we'll talk about it then",
he says. At
8:30 he still hasn’t come back.
“Randy, go get them because I’m not waiting any
more…we’re leaving”. Team
ChicagoAdventureracing.org is back in the race!
paddle begins in calm water and will hopefully remain
much calmer than Utah Lake.
We’re expecting about 30 miles versus our previous
paddling session of 24.
Strawberry Reservoir is notorious for afternoon
winds and the reservoir has several channels between
islands that we’ll be passing through, which could either
deaden or increase wind speed.
Navigation is interesting too as the terrain
is comprised mostly of barren desert-like landscape,
making what should be prominent points of land appear
to blend together.
We’re continuing to
experiment with different team configurations in the
boats. This
time, Colleen and I are together with Colleen paddling
in front. We’re really working well together and I think we’ve found
a winning combination. I
find this to be one of my favorite parts of the race
so far as Colleen and I talk for hours about the past
couple of days, family, and why we race. I begin
to think about how the team started, the nervousness
I felt at going into a race with unknown teammates,
and how impressed I am that we've come together well
and worked together as a team. We're doing a great
job of overcoming weaknesses with each other's strengths.
I've felt the pressure throughout the race as the team's
navigator and they've really helped by encouraging me
and letting me know they appreciate the work I'm doing
in moving the team through the course.
We finish the paddle,
still in the light of day near 7 PM.
We made great time and once again, navigation
was flawless.
We quickly swap paddling gear for bikes, grab
some food, and we’re off again, this time on the next
to last bike leg of the race.
We climb from about 7600’ to reach the 9600’
mark after midnight, after a couple of tricky navigational
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