Even good teams have
bad races and so it was for Team Orange Triangle at
Raid the North - Bark Lake on May 4-5, 2002. Although
energized by a powerful new teammate in Cammie Crampton
who brought expedition experience and top placing finishes
to the team, we were stymied by small errors that added
up to big losses of time. Despite our disappointing
performance, we enjoyed the beautiful territory and
liked the structure and management of this well-run
race. Right now we are looking at this as the first
of several expected Raid experiences in
coming years.
Run in central Ontario
province about three hours northeast of Toronto,
the Bark Lake race consisted of trekking, biking and
paddling sections over gently rolling terrain laced
with marshes, lakes and streams. Snow melt and recent
rain had expanded the mapped water features and created
seasonal trickles and pools that further complicated
navigation. In the pre-race review, it struck us that
the distances didn't seem all that far for a 36-hour
race. What we failed to conclude from that observation
was that navigation would be tricky and speed of travel
slower than expectedconclusions that would have
served us well.
race began at midnight Friday, with 30 co-ed teams of
four thundering off into the chilly night from Camp
Bark Lake. We were immediately wet to our knees from
the swampy conditions as the usual adrenalin and excitement
of the start carried the pack along for 15 to 20 minutes
before teams began to split up in various directions.
Searching for a dirt road running southeast and marked
on the map, we instead found an unmarked ATV trail on
the same heading and, as it turned out, just 50 to 100
meters away from the desired road. Still adjusting to
the 1:50,000 scale map, we burned an hour scouting the
trail before finding the needed road and rolled into
CP1 near the back of the pack. While we were disappointed
with this start, we knew there was plenty of racing
to go as evidenced by the fact that one team that only
beat us to CP1 by a few minutes wound up finishing in
the top five overall.
At CP1 we mounted our bikes and began a 15-mile ride
through the night, hitting several checkpoints placed
along dirt roads or ATV trails. Although these paths
were often little more than bogs and mud holes, we moved
well through this section, easily finding the CPs. Still,
the cold hit hard as wet and muddy brakes, gears and
feet froze in the breezes that came with traversing
the many hills on the course.
As dawn broke, we arrived at CP4 and our first transition
area where we enjoyed the ministrations of Keith and
Candy Chase as well as the roaring fire maintained by
race volunteers. As we rode out of CP4 with the sky
blue and clear above us, we felt like we were on the
right track and fully capable of completing the race
with a competitive time. Indeed, we expected to see
Keith and Candy again before sundown. But just as the
sun warmed the day and thawed our frozen extremities,
it seemed to evaporate our chances for a successful
race. In a demoralizing mental lapse, we forgot the
maps needed for the middle sections of the course at
CP4 and lost an hour back-tracking to retrieve them.
Back on track again, we moved well through CP5, dropping
our bikes and picking up paddling gear before heading
out on the trek. Here complacency got the better of
us. The course from 5 to 6 was all trail, although much
of it was not marked on the map. Moving quickly down
the path, we violated the first rule of orienteering
and failed to keep track of our location on the map.
Although we pressed on down the challenging ATV road
that included a memorable marsh crossing through chest-deep
freezing water, uncertainty about our location ultimately
caused us to stop short of the CP and backtrack. In
total, we lost about three hours heretime that
could have been avoided if we had more carefully noted
our position from the start of the trek. 
By the time we reached CP6, we were running at the
very tail end of the pack and realizing that we would
not make the second transition area before dark. Still
we maintained our spirits and navigated well through
a challenging bushwhack from 6 to 7. Despite our success
on this leg, movement through the terrain was slow and
we arrived at CP 7 as the sun set. We still had one
more trek to CP8 before we could get in the boats and
paddle for the second transition area. Having assumed
that we would be boating in daylight, we had not brought
the powerful lights we would need for night navigation
on the water, so we knew that leg would now be tedious
and slow moving. With a 1 am cutoff at the end of the
paddling, we figured our chances of finishing the race
were slim, but we set out for CP8 hoping to make it
to our waiting support crew before having to stop.
The race directions implied that unmapped trails would
take us from CP7 to CP8, so we carefully charted our
way down the ATV tracks that headed in the right direction.
Discovering that none of the trails led all the way
to our desired destination, we knew that we faced a
challenging nighttime bushwhack to find CP8 and we felt
certain that race officials would stop us from continuing
at that point. Although prepared to go on physically,
we could see little point in continuing just to be stopped
in the next few hours, so we broke out the radio and
called in our position.
Many of our past races featured trivial navigation
that could often be followed with little resort to the
map. By contrast, Raid the North requires racers to
maintain constant contact with the map and a good bit
of aggressive reading between the lines
to go crashing through the bush on a dead heading toward
the next objective. Having seen what Raid the North
style racing is all about, we look forward to returning
to Canada next year to successfully tackle a future
special thanks to Cammie Crampton who demonstrated the
true spirit of adventure racing while traveling with
us during the Raid. She was always ready to move and
never complained about the conditions, the circumstances
or the consequences of our race decisions. We look forward
to including Cammie in future TOT squads.
Ray Daniels